Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Closing Time at the Museum

Today is a wish,
or a halfhearted promise of escape
from the contrived hopes that scaffold my vision.
In the cell of my heart,
the hot tight center of my body,
there is neither youth nor future.
None of the contrivances of a public life;
only the strong sweet warmth 
of a private life -
the solitude of a landscape painting
and a single detached patron
at closing time.

Come visit dVerse open link night.


  1. Oh, I feel the 'private life' in this poem very deeply....and its loneliness.

  2. The private life is much different than the public life..loneliness settles
    in many places even museums..

    1. Very true. I often find 'aloneness' a comforting place to be.
